mass murder

美 [mæs ˈmɜːrdər]英 [mæs ˈmɜːdə(r)]
  • n.大规模杀戮;大肆杀戮

复数: mass murders

mass murdermass murder

mass murder


  • 1
    N-VAR 大规模屠杀
    Mass murder is the deliberate illegal killing of a large number of people by a person or an organization.


the savage and excessive killing of many people
Synonym: slaughter massacre carnage butchery


  1. The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians .


  2. is also the setting for mass murder . Tempers do flare


  3. The mass murder raised fears of a fresh backlash against the US .


  4. These regimes could use such weapons for blackmail , terror , and mass murder .


  5. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat .


  6. The medical community in the city of Qinhuangdao in Hebei is in shock following the mass murder of a group of nurses .


  7. They called Ferriman 's girlfriend , who decided to tape the call once the boys started talking about committing a mass murder .


  8. Mr. Rudd says that arsonists suspected of starting some of Victoria 's fires are guilty of " mass murder . "


  9. It ruled that this man , Efrain Rios Montt was guilty of genocide , mass murder .


  10. Believing a high-profile mass murder would be a good signal for the Earth to get its war on , they loaded into their van and headed into the Hollywood Hills .


  11. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder .


  12. After deaths from overwork and starvation , there is the plain mass murder of the1937-38 terror : the sleepless nights spent waiting for the knock on the door ;


  13. Arsonists , who are thought to have been responsible for some of the devastating outbreaks in the southern state , Victoria , have been accused of mass murder by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd .


  14. Eichmann , responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews , had the appearance and even the mentality of a petty bureaucrat or administrator , crunching numbers and logistics that could have concerned widgets but happened to involve the mass murder of human beings .


  15. This is the genius of " We Need to Talk About Kevin , " a remarkable novel from Lionel Shriver ( a former literary critic for this paper ) , which considers the life of a reluctant mother after her teenage son commits mass murder .


  16. The Yangzhou Massacre may never have gotten its own popular song that would later be covered by Sigur R ó s , but like the destruction of the Reynes of Castamere it involved the mass murder of innocent people in retaliation for the rebellious acts of their leaders and superiors .


  17. Internally , the island was constantly at war as rival kings staged attacks ( complete with mass rape and murder ) on their neighbors .


  18. The President says the death penalty is appropriate for certain terrible crime including mass killings and murder of children but he says he worries about racial bias and situation where inmates on death roll have later been proving innocent .
